Nikki Grimes

A Girl Named Mister

Copyright © 2010 by Nikki Grimes

Mary: When Gabriel Comes


A bright light turns the night

of my chamber into day

and pries my eyes open.

What do I see?

A being lit from within,

a giant whose voice

is quiet thunder.

“Fear not,” he says, too late.

I quake, rubbing my eyes

anxious to wake

from this dream.

“I am Gabriel,”

says the voice, more soothing now.

“I bring a message from God.”

Trembling, I rise

ready to listen.

Still, what am I to make

of his amazing words?

That I, a virgin,

am to be mother of Messiah?


All things are possible

with God.

The truth of it

falls on me like rain.

I slowly drink it in,

then lift my arms,


“I am yours, Lord.

Do with me as you will.”

He wraps his light around me.

I am never the same again.

Mister: First Touch

How did it happen?

I told myself

it’s only touching.

I told myself

my clothes are still on.

But who was I kidding?

Even through

my rayon-cotton blend

his touch

burned the world away.

“Be careful about starting something you may regret.”

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