James Patterson

Black Market

© 1989


Although Black Market is written as fiction, all of what follows could happen, especially the Wall Street financial parts. I would like to thank the people who helped so much in making the background information interesting and authentic.

Sidney Ruthberg-financial editor, Fairchild Publications

James Dowd-Wall Street attorney, formerly of the United States Army

Stephen Bowen-former captain, United States Marine Corps

Katherine McMahon- New York and Paris backgrounds

Joan Ennis-Irish Tourist Board

Thomas Altman- Sedona, Arizona

Barbara Maddalena- New York, Wall Street area

Mindy Zepp- New York

M. Blackstone- Soho

Part One. Green Band

The pure products of America go crazy.

– William Carlos Williams


Wall Street, Manhattan: December 1985

The tawdry yellow cab was double-parked at the base of Wall Street, where it intersects with South Street and the East River. Colonel David Hudson leaned his tall, athletic body against its battered trunk.

He raised one hand to his eye and loosely curled his fingers to fashion a makeshift telescope. He carefully studied 40 Wall Street, where Manufacturers Hanover Trust had offices, then 23 Wall, which housed executive suites for Morgan Guaranty. Then the New York Stock Exchange. Trinity Church. Chase Manhattan Plaza. At five in the morning the towering buildings were as impressive and striking as monuments; the feeling of history and stability was overwhelming.

Once he had it all vividly in sight, Colonel Hudson squeezed his fingers tightly together. “Boom,” he whispered.

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