Автор - Lucy Gordon

Книги автора Lucy Gordon, полные версии в открытом доступе открыты для чтения. Бесплатная библиотека loveread.online предлагает для чтения онлайн все книги автора Lucy Gordon. Читайте с комфортом!

Na Wolności

Автор: Lucy Gordon
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Nie zabiłam" – powtarzała z uporem. Straciła wszystko, co najważniejsze: ukochane dziecko i wolność. Do końca życia miała oglądać niebo zza krat. Nieugięty inspektor Keller mógł być dumny z siebie – sąd nie uwierzył słowom oskarżonej. A przecież to nie ona zabiła… Po trzech latach opuściła jednak mury więzienia. Spotkali się: kat i jego ofiara. Czy może ich łączyć cokolwiek poza nienawiścią? Czy pożądanie okaże się silniejsze niż ból z powodu doznanej krzywdy?

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Instant Father

Автор: Lucy Gordon
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Driven by ambition and power, Gavin Hunter had sacrificed everything that mattered-including his wife and child-to success. Now his son, Peter, needed him, and Gavin dropped everything to rush across the country to the desolate moors… Only to find that time had erased the boy's memory of his father.Filled with bitter resentment, Gavin watched Peter cling to the woman who was his guardian. Norah Ackroyd's wild beauty reflected the untamed land, and her tender touch enchanted children and animals. Gavin, however, was immune to her charms. He planned to take his son and flee-except that the bond between Norah and Peter wouldn't be easily broken… And soon Gavin, too, was falling under her spell…

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Автор: Lucy Gordon
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Kirsty została potępiona i odrzucona. Uznano ją winną śmierci niewinnego chłopca, skazano na izolację i nikt nie chciał wierzyć jej słowom. Jedynie Mike Stallard myślał o niej inaczej. Dla nich była czarownicą, dla niego – aniołem.

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Married Under the Italian Sun

Автор: Lucy Gordon
Жанр: Иностранная литература

The world knew her as a glamorous, glitzy blonde, famous for being famous. Until her unfaithful husband divorced her…and Angel Clannan was glad to be a nobody once again. She couldn't wait to start her new life in Italy, in the Villa Tazzini on the Amalfi coast.Nobody could care about the villa more than Vittorio Tazzini. It broke his heart to see it sold to someone like Angel. Except the dark, brooding Italian hadn't even met her yet. Getting to know the real Angel Clannan, the one she'd almost forgotten herself, would change his mind. And, if he let her, she might just change his entire life…

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Daniel and Daughter

Автор: Lucy Gordon
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Daniel Raife was devoted to Phoebe, his teenage daughter;he'd brought her up single-handedly and he wanted her to be a lawyer. But Phoebe dreamed of being a model…Lee Meredith knew all about being sixteen and headstrong-she had eloped to Gretna Green. These days she avoided witty, charming men like the plague… Until circumstances decreed that she couldn't avoid keeping Daniel Raife out of her life. But could Lee keep out of Daniel's wrangles with Phoebe? It seemed you couldn't love a father and sympathise with his daughter all at the same time…

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Dudas y celos

Автор: Lucy Gordon
Жанр: Иностранная литература

El aristócrata español Don Sebastián de Santiago estaba convencido de que su novia lo había traicionado por culpa de Maggie, por eso insistía en que fuera ésta quien sustituyera a su prometida.Aunque, en cierta forma, Maggie se creía responsable de la ruptura de la pareja, realmente aceptó casarse con él porque se sentía irresistiblemente atraída por Sebastián.Pero el pasado de Maggie iba a interponerse en la felicidad de aquel matrimonio…

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El hijo de italiano

Автор: Lucy Gordon
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Aquel hombre había ido a buscarla porque quería tener un hijo…El hombre con el que Becky Hanley había estado a punto de casarse acababa de volver a su vida. Habían pasado muchos años, pero Luca Montese estaba más guapo y sexy que nunca… La atracción había vuelto a surgir entre ellos con una fuerza a la que Becky era incapaz de resistirse… estaba claro que el amor seguía vivo. Pero entonces descubrió que el único motivo por el que había regresado era para tener un hijo con ella… y lo más sorprendente era que ella estaba embarazada.

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For His Little Girl

Автор: Lucy Gordon
Жанр: Иностранная литература

" Once, years ago, Pippa Davis and Luke Danton had been everything to each other. Then fate had led Luke one way…and Pippa and their unborn child the other. Now she had to find her way back to Luke. For her daughter's sake, of course…Despite the lost years, Luke had never been able to forget the woman who'd meant the world to him. Suddenly she was on his doorstep- with a little girl in tow. His little girl! And suddenly, once more, everything he'd ever wanted was within his grasp. Or was it?"

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For The Sake Of His Child

Автор: Lucy Gordon
Жанр: Иностранная литература

High-flying businessman Carson Page loves his young son, but Joey is deaf-and Carson is unable to communicate with him.Gina Tennison feels for Joey-she was once in his position herself. So for his sake, she agrees to live in Carson's home for the summer to show this proud man how to reach out to his son. As Carson becomes the dad of Joey's dreams, Gina begins to wonder if Carson could ever reach out for her, too…

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Ganar una Esposa

Автор: Lucy Gordon
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Había perdido su tierra… ¡pero había ganado una esposa!Rinaldo Farnese y su hermano Gino acababan de descubrir que una inglesa llamada Alexandra había heredado parte de sus propiedades. Parecía haber sólo una solución para no perder la tierra: lanzarían una moneda al aire y el ganador se casaría con Alexandra.Gino era un hombre encantador, pero sólo salían chispas cuando Alex y Rinaldo se miraban… Él parecía odiarla, pero tampoco podía negar la atracción que había entre ellos.

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Gino’s Arranged Bride

Автор: Lucy Gordon
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Single mum Laura knows that all her little girl wants is a daddy to love her unconditionally. So for Nikki's sake Laura marries Gino farnese for convenience… Gino believes he'll never find true love again, so their paper marriage seems the best he can hope for, especially as he loves being a dad to Nikki. But there are two golden rules in their marriage: #1, no sharing a bed; and #2, no falling in love… And they are in danger of breaking them both…

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Her Italian Boss’s Agenda

Автор: Lucy Gordon
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Love isn't on her agenda…Olympia Lincoln is so relieved when her new assistant shows up, she sets him to work immediately. What she doesn't realize is that he is none other than Primo Rinucci, her new Italian boss!But he has other ideas!Primo can't resist playing along with the harmless deception. After all, this way he can get really close to the beautiful and attractive Olympia. But Olympia has been betrayed before, so when she discovers the truth will she ever be able to trust him again?

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