Автор - David Brin

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The Postman

Автор: David Brin
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Gordon Krantz survived the Doomwar only to spend years crossing a post-apocalypse United States looking for something or someone he could believe in again. Ironically, when he's inadvertently forced to assume the made-up role of a “Restored United States” postal inspector, he becomes the very thing he's been seeking: a symbol of hope and rebirth for a desperate nation. Gordon goes through the motions of establishing a new postal route in the Pacific Northwest, uniting secluded towns and enclaves that are starved for communication with the rest of the world. And even though inside he feels like a fraud, eventually he will have to stand up for the new society he's helping to build or see it destroyed by fanatic survivalists.

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The Uplift War

Автор: David Brin
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Billions of years ago, an alien race known as the Progenitors began the genetically engineered techniques by which non-intelligent creatures are given intelligence by one of the higher races in the galaxy. Once “Uplifted”, these creature must serve their patron race before they, in turn, can Uplift other races. Human intelligence, which developed by itself (and brought about the Uplifting of chimpanzees and dolphins), is an affront to the aliens who plan an attack, threatening a human experiment aimed at producing the next Uplift.

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Tiempos de gloria

Автор: David Brin
Жанр: Иностранная литература

La joven Maia, una descastada nacida en verano, debe abandonar el clan de sus privilegiadas medio hermanas clones nacidas en invierno. Su difícil y peligroso viaje iniciático arranca en los muelles de Puerto Sanger y prosigue a bordo de uno de los barcos tripulados por los escasos hombres (menos de un veinte por ciento) que forman la población de Stratos, un mundo creado por y para las mujeres. Sólo el difícil y lejano éxito le permitirá ser la fundadora de un nuevo clan. Las manipulaciones genéticas de la Madre Fundadora Lysos han creado en Stratos un mundo nuevo y distinto, dominado por mujeres que se reproducen por clonación. Una nueva opción sociopolítica, tecnológica, ecológica y, sobre todo, en el ámbito de la relación entre ambos sexos. En la senda de la literatura que denuncia las relaciones entre los sexos o propone establecer nuevos vínculos, Tiempos de gloria se une a obras ya clasicas como La mano izquierda de la oscuridad de Ursula K. Le Guin.

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An Ever-Reddening Glow

Автор: David Brin
Жанр: Фантастика

Why there is so much emptiness in the Universe and how it is related to ecology?

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