Автор - Dean Koontz

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Автор: Dean Koontz
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Aus einem Labor für Gentechnologie entläuft ein Hund. Der Eigenbrötler Travis Cornell nimmt den streunenden Golden Retriever bei sich auf. Aber schon bald müssen die beiden feststellen, dass sich nicht nur rivalisierende Geheimdienste, sondern auch ein mysteriöses Wesen an ihre Fersen geheftet haben. Endlich wird klar, dass es sich bei dem Verfolger um ein gentechnisch perfektioniertes Mordtier handelt, das dem Laboratorium gleichfalls entwichen ist und auf die Vernichtung des Hunds programmiert zu sein scheint. Titel der Originalausgabe WATCHERS Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt von Heinz Nagel

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Автор: Dean Koontz
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Grady Adams lives a simple, solitary life deep in the Colorado mountains. Here the thirty-five-year-old carpenter works out of a converted barn, crafting exquisite one-of-a-kind furniture. There's little about this strong yet gentle man to suggest the experiences that have alienated him from the contemporary world. But that is about to change.One day, while hiking, Grady spots a pair of stunningly beautiful furred animals unlike anything he's ever seen. They flee the instant they detect his presence, but the mystery of that brief encounter remains. In the days ahead, Grady will approach the creatures again, gaining their trust but coming no closer to solving their mystery. For this he enlists the help of an old friend, veterinarian Camellia 'Cammy' Rivers, who, in turn, is stunned – and enchanted – by Grady's new 'pets.' But while Grady and Cammy carefully observe these enigmatic animals for clues to their origin, they, too, are being watched.Soon Grady's home and hundreds of square miles of surrounding wilderness will be placed under quarantine by Homeland Security. And Grady, Cammy, and the two creatures they've come to feel they must protect at all costs find themselves virtual prisoners – and the unwilling focus of an army of biologists, naturalists, and research scientists. But it's a stunning event no one could have foreseen that convinces Grady and Cammy to do the unthinkable: to escape with the two creatures on a riveting race for freedom.

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Brother Odd

Автор: Dean Koontz
Жанр: Иностранная литература

No one could have imagined Odd Thomas ever leaving the perfect quirky comfort of Pico Mundo, least of all Odd himself. The little desert town that nurtured Odd all his life is the locus of everything he holds dear-his loyal friends, his ghostly confidants, and the place where he loved and lost his soul mate, the irreplaceable Stormy Llewellyn. Yet leave it he has, to embrace the solitude and peace of an isolated monastery high in the western mountains as he tries to find a way to live fully again.But Odd has a knack for finding himself in the path of trouble no matter where he goes-even among the eccentric monks in their sanctuary and with the King of Rock 'n' Roll at his side. For a killer is stalking the ancient holy halls, and Odd is about to encounter an enemy who eclipses any he has yet encountered…

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By the Light of the Moon

Автор: Dean Koontz
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Dean Koontz has surpassed his longtime reputation as "America's most popular suspense novelist"(Rolling Stone) to become one of the most celebrated and successful writers of our time. Reviewers hail his boundless originality, his art, his unparalleled ability to create highly textured, riveting drama, at once viscerally familiar and utterly unique. Author of one #1 New York Times bestseller after another, Koontz is at the pinnacle of his powers, spinning mysteries and miracles, enthralling tales that speak directly to today's readers, balm for the heart and fire for the mind. In this stunning new novel, he delivers a tour de force of dark suspense and brilliant revelation that has all the Koontz trademarks: adventure, chills, riddles, humor, heartbreak, an unforgettable cast of characters, and a climax that will leave you clamoring for more. Dylan O'Connor is a gifted young artist just trying to do the right thing in life. He's on his way to an arts festival in Santa Fe when he stops to get a room for himself and his twenty-year-old autistic brother, Shep. But in a nightmarish instant, Dylan is attacked by a mysterious "doctor," injected with a strange substance, and told that he is now a carrier of something that will either kill him...or transform his life in the most remarkable way. Then he is told that he must flee--before the doctor's enemies hunt him down for the secret circulating through his body. No one can help him, the doctor says, not even the police. Stunned, disbelieving, Dylan is turned loose to run for his life...and straight into an adventure that will turn the next twenty-four hours into an odyssey of terror, mystery--and wondrous discovery. It is a journey that begins when Dylan and Shep's path intersects with that of Jillian Jackson. Before that evening Jilly was a beautiful comedian whose biggest worry was whether she would ever find a decent man. Now she too is a carrier. And even as Dylan tries to convince her that they'll be safer sticking together, cold-eyed men in a threatening pack of black Suburbans approach, only seconds before Jilly's classic Coupe DeVille explodes into thin air. Now the three are on the run together, but with no idea whom they're running from--or why. Meanwhile Shep has begun exhibiting increasingly disturbing behavior. And whatever it is that's coursing through their bodies seems to have plunged them into one waking nightmare after another. Seized by sinister premonitions, they find themselves inexplicably drawn to crime scenes--just minutes before the crimes take place. What this unfathomable power is, how they can use it to stop the evil erupting all around them, and why they have been chosen are only parts of a puzzle that reaches back into the tragic past and the dark secrets they all share: secrets of madness, pain, and untimely death. Perhaps the answer lies in the eerie, enigmatic messages that Shep, with precious time running out, begins to repeat, about an entity who does his work "by the light of the moon." By the Light of the Moon is a novel of heart-stopping suspense and transcendent beauty, of how evil can destroy us and love can redeem us--a masterwork of the imagination in which the surprises come page after page and the spell of sublime storytelling triumphs throughout.

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Автор: Dean Koontz
Жанр: Иностранная литература

In una tempestosa notte di gennaio Laura Shane viene miracolosamente alla luce grazie all’intervento di uno sconosciuto che annuncia il proprio arrivo con un lampo. Il destino però ha in serbo per lei ben più terrificanti pericoli che supererà con l’aiuto del misterioso personaggio. Ma chi è l’enigmatico protettore? Nel giorno del suo tredicesimo compleanno per Laura è pronta un’agghiacciante rivelazione…

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Lost Souls

Автор: Dean Koontz
Жанр: Иностранная литература

#1 New York Times bestselling author Dean Koontz brings his fertile imagination and unparalleled storytelling abilities to one of the most timeless – and terrifying – creations in all of fiction: the legend of Frankenstein. In Lost Souls, Koontz puts a singular twist on this classic tale of ambition and science gone wrong, and forges a new legend uniquely suited to our times – a story of revenge, redemption, and the razor thin line that separates humanity from inhumanity as we consider a new invitation to apocalypse.The work of creation has begun again. Only now things will be different. Victor Leben, once Frankenstein, has not only seen the future – he's ready to populate it. Using stem-cells, 'organic' silicon circuitry, and nanotechnology, he will engender a race of superhumans – the perfect melding of flesh and machine. With a powerful, enigmatic backer eager to see his dream come to fruition and a secret location where the enemies of progress can't find him, Victor is certain that this time nothing and no one can stop him.It is up to five people to prove him wrong. In their hands rests nothing less than the survival of humanity itself.They are drawn together in different ways, by omens sinister and wondrous, to the same shattering conclusion: Two years after they saw him die, the man they knew as Victor Helios lives on. Detectives Carson O'Connor and Michael Maddison; Victor's engineered wife, Erika 5, and her companion Jocko; and the original Victor's first creation, the tormented Deucalion, have all arrived at a small Montana town where their old alliance will be renewed – and tested – by forces from within and without, and where the dangers they face will eclipse any they have yet encountered. Yet in the midst of their peril, love will blossom, and joy, and they will discover sources of strength and perseverance they could not have imagined.They will need all these resources, and more. For a monumental battle is about to commence that will require all their ingenuity and courage, as it defines what we are to be… and if we are to be at all.

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Автор: Dean Koontz
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Nie war das Grauen bedrohlicher … Tessa Lockland kann den angeblichen Selbstmord ihrer Schwester nicht glauben. Deshalb macht sie sich auf den Weg nach Moonlight Cove, der kalifornischen Kleinstadt, in der ihre Schwester zuletzt gelebt hat. Auch ein FBI-Agent trifft dort ein, um eine Reihe seltsamer Todesfälle zu klären. Der an den Rollstuhl gefesselte Vietnam-Veteran Harry Talbot hat ihn verständigt, da auch er schon länger seltsame Ereignisse beobachtet. Und schließlich ist da noch das Mädchen Chrissie Foster, deren Eltern sich zu unheimlichen Wesen verwandeln. Alle Fäden scheinen bei der geheimnisvollen Computerfirma New Wave zusammenzulaufen, die ein wahnwitziges Experiment mit den Bürgern der Stadt plant ... Titel der Originalausgabe MIDNIGHT. Aus dem Amerikanischen übersetzt von Joachim Körber Scanned by Doc Gonzo.

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Der Schutzengel

Автор: Dean Koontz
Жанр: Иностранная литература

DAS BUCH Laura Shane ist ein besonders hübsches, charmantes und intelligentes Kind. Doch das ist nicht das einzig Außergewöhnliche an ihr: Laura hat einen Schutzengel, allerdings nicht im herkömmlichen Sinn. Ihr Schutzengel ist ein Mensch. Schon bei Lauras schwieriger Geburt, an deren Folgen ihre Mutter stirbt, greift er aktiv ein und verhindert, daß ein volltrunkener Arzt die Operation leitet. Um Laura zu retten, nimmt der mysteriöse Fremde später sogar in Kauf, einen Menschen zu töten. Aber woher weiß er, wann Laura in Gefahr ist? Woher kommt er? Und wer ist er? Fast 20 Jahre hat die Schriftstellerin Laura ihren Schutzengel nun nicht mehr gesehen, und fast glaubt sie schon, der schöne blonde Mann mit den stahlblauen Augen sei ein Produkt ihrer kindlichen Phantasie gewesen. Doch dann liegt er eines Abends mit einer schweren Schußwunde vor ihrer Haustür. Nun muß sie ihrem einstigen Retter helfen. Laura und ihr kleiner Sohn Chris werden in einen gefährlichen Kampf mit den dunklen Mächten der Vergangenheit hineingezogen. DER AUTOR Dean R. Koontz, geb. 1945 in Pennsylvania, gewann bereits mit 20 Jahren den ersten Literaturpreis und hat seither eine steile Karriere als Autor von Spannungsromanen gemacht. Seine in alle Weltsprachen übersetzten Bücher haben eine Gesamtauflage von über 45 Millionen Exemplaren erreicht. Bei Ullstein erscheint ebenfalls »Ort des Grauens«. Originaltitel: Lightning

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El Lugar Maldito

Автор: Dean Koontz
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Frank Pollard despierta en un callejón sin saber más que su nombre y que una oscura fuerza diabólica lo persigue para darle muerte. Abocado a una amnesia impenetrable acude al matrimonio de detectives Dakota para que investiguen su pasado. Bobbie y Julie se enfrentarán al caso más extraño de su carrera para acabar descubriendo que en el mundo de los vivos hay lugares más horrorosos que en el reino de los muertos.Cuando Frank Pollard despierta en un oscuro callejón apenas sabe más que su nombre y que algo, indefinible y horroroso, lo persigue para darle muerte. Tras huir y encontrar refugio en un motel se vuelve a sumergir en un sueño del que despierta con las manos bañadas de sangre. Aterrorizado por albergar tras su consciencia una realidad tan misteriosa como abominable intenta mantener su frágil vigilia, pero el cansancio y la desesperación acaban por hacerle acudir a los Dakota, un joven y extrovertido matrimonio de detectives californianos.Bobby y Julie impresionados por la extraña dimensión del caso, deciden vigilar a Frank durante sus inexplicables fugas amnésicas para desentrañar el origen de su incomprensible perturbación. Al penetrar en un mundo vedado a la lógica y tránsido de una maldad insoportable, descubrirán la trama fatal de una familia que maduró en su seno la crueldad más abominable para redimir al mundo con una estirpe de desquiciados redentores.

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Forever Odd

Автор: Dean Koontz
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Every so often a character so captures the hearts and imaginations of readers that he seems to take on a life of his own long after the final page is turned. For such a character, one book is not enough-readers must know what happens next. Now Dean Koontz returns with the novel his fans have been demanding. With the emotional power and sheer storytelling artistry that are his trademarks, Koontz takes up once more the story of a unique young hero and an eccentric little town in a tale that is equal parts suspense and terror, adventure and mystery-and altogether irresistibly odd.We're all a little odd beneath the surface. He's the most unlikely hero you'll ever meet-an ordinary guy with a modest job you might never look at twice. But there's so much more to any of us than meets the eye-and that goes triple for Odd Thomas. For Odd lives always between two worlds in the small desert town of Pico Mundo, where the heroic and the harrowing are everyday events. Odd never asked to communicate with the dead-it's something that just happened. But as the unofficial goodwill ambassador between our world and theirs, he's got a duty to do the right thing. That's the way Odd sees it and that's why he's won hearts on both sides of the divide between life and death.A childhood friend of Odd's has disappeared. The worst is feared. But as Odd applies his unique talents to the task of finding the missing person, he discovers something worse than a dead body, encounters an enemy of exceptional cunning, and spirals into a vortex of terror. Once again Odd will stand against our worst fears. Around him will gather new allies and old, some living and some not. For in the battle to come, there can be no innocent bystanders, and every sacrifice can tip the balance between despair and hope. Whether you're meeting Odd Thomas for the first time or he's already an old friend, you'll be led on an unforgettable journey through a world of terror, wonder and delight-to a revelation that can change your life. And you can have no better guide than Odd Thomas.

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Автор: Dean Koontz
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Christopher Snow conoce la noche como nadie, pues la extraña enfermedad cutánea que padece lo hace peligrosamente vulnerable a la luz solar y lo ha condenado a vivir veintiocho años en perpetua oscuridad.No es, sin embargo, de noche cuando avisan a Chris de que su padre está agonizando, aunque sí suceden durante la oscuridad todos los acontecimientos que se precipitan con su muerte: el descubrimiento casual por parte de Chris de que el cadáver de su padre ha sido cambiado por otro, las asombrosas revelaciones de una enfermera sobre experimentos genéticos en los que estaría implicada la difunta madre de Chris, la aparición de extraños seres tan inteligentes como agresivos, que rondan en la noche. Un mal oscuro impregna la sociedad, y Chris sólo cuenta con su novia, Sasha, y su amigo Bob para hacerle frente…Nocturno, crónica de una noche de premoniciones, descubrimientos y revelaciones demasiado espantosas, es a la vez un thriller, una fantástica aventura, un canto a la amistad y una conmovedora historia del triunfo sobre las propias limitaciones. Una novela inquietante y oscura, matizada por una poderosa intriga y un irresistible sentido del humor.

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Odd Hours

Автор: Dean Koontz
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Only a handful of fictional characters are recognized by first name alone. Dean Koontz's Odd Thomas is one of those rare literary heroes who have come alive in readers' imaginations as he explores the greatest mysteries of this world and the next with his inimitable wit, heart, and quiet gallantry. Now Koontz follows Odd as he is irresistibly drawn onward to a destiny he cannot imagine and to undreamed of places where the perils he will face and the stakes for which he fights will eclipse all that he has known. The legend began in the obscure little town of Pico Mundo. A fry cook named Odd was rumored to have the extraordinary ability to communicate with the dead. Through tragedy and triumph, exhilaration and heartbreak, word of Odd Thomas's gifts filtered far beyond Pico Mundo, attracting unforgettable new friends-and enemies of implacable evil. With great gifts comes the responsibility to meet great challenges. But no mere human being was ever meant to face the darkness that now stalks the world-not even one as oddly special as Odd Thomas. After grappling with the very essence of reality itself, after finding the veil that separates him from his soul mate, Stormy Llewellyn, tantalizingly thin yet impenetrable, Odd longed only to return to a life of quiet anonymity with his two otherworldly sidekicks-his dog Boo and a new companion, one of the few who might rival his old pal Elvis. But a true hero, however humble, must persevere. Haunted by dreams of an all-encompassing red tide, Odd is pulled inexorably to the sea, to a small California coastal town where nothing is as it seems. Now the forces arrayed against him have both official sanction and an infinitely more sinister authority…and in this dark night of the soul dawn will come only after the most shattering revelations of all. Burnishing Dean Koontz's stature as a master of suspense and one of our most innovative and gifted storytellers, Odd Hours illuminates a legacy of mystery and hope that will shine on long after the final page.

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