Автор - Diane Duane

Книги автора Diane Duane, полные версии в открытом доступе открыты для чтения. Бесплатная библиотека loveread.online предлагает для чтения онлайн все книги автора Diane Duane. Читайте с комфортом!

A Wizard Alone

Автор: Diane Duane
Жанр: Для детей

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On Her Majesty's Wizardly Service

Автор: Diane Duane
Жанр: Иностранная литература

The wizard cats Rhiow, Urruah, and Arhu are summoned to London to deal with a crisis that could destroy the very fabric of time, and they join forces with a teenage Arthur Conan Doyle to stop the evil schemes of their old nemesis, the Lone One.

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The Book of Night with Moon

Автор: Diane Duane
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Epic fantasy about a group of super-intelligent cats. Rhiow appears to be a pampered New York pet cat, but in reality she is a wizard, working alongside human beings and other animals to protect the world from the forces of darkness, which are attacking the city via the underground tunnels.

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The Wizard's Dilemma

Автор: Diane Duane
Жанр: Иностранная литература

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