Автор - Toni Morrison

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Автор: Toni Morrison
Жанр: Иностранная литература

"DAZZLING… MAGICAL… AN EXTRAORDINARY WORK!" -New York Times"BRILLIANT… RESONATES FROM PAST TO PRESENT." – San Francisco Chronicle"A MAGNIFICENT HEROINE… A GLORIOUS BOOK!" – Baltimore Sun"BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN… POWERFUL…TONI MORRISON HAS BECOME ONE OF AMERICA 'S FINEST NOVELISTS." -Cleveland Plain Dealer"THERE IS SOMETHING GREAT IN BELOVED: A PLAY OF HUMAN VOICES, CONSCIOUSLY EXALTED, PERVERSELY STRESSED, YET HOLDING TRUE. IT GETS YOU." – The New Yorker"A STUNNING BOOK… A LASTING ACHIEVEMENT!" -Christian Science Monitor"Magical… rich, provocative, extremely satisfying!" – Milwaukee Journal"Superb… a profound and shattering story that carries the weight of history… exquisitely told." -Cosmopolitan"Compelling… Morrison shakes that brilliant kaleidoscope of hers again, and the story of pain, endurance, poetry, and power she is born to tell comes out right." -Village Voice"In her most probing novel, Toni Morrison has demonstrated once again the stunning powers that place her in the first ranks of our living novelists." – St. Louis Post-Dispatch"Shattering emotional power and impact!" -New York Daily News"A book worth many rereadings." – Glamour"Astonishing… a triumph!"-New Woman"A work of genuine force… beautifully written." -Washington Post"Written with a force rarely seen in contemporary fiction… One feels deep admiration." -USA Today"Toni Morrison is not just an important contemporary novelist but a major figure of our national literature."-New York Review of Books"Heart-wrenching… mesmerizing!" – Atlanta Journal-Constitution"Powerful is too tame a word to describe Toni Morrison's searing new novel." -Library Journal"Shatteringly eloquent."-Booklist"A rich, mythical novel… a triumph!"- St. Petersburg Times"Powerful… voluptuous!" – New York Magazine

О книге


Автор: Toni Morrison
Жанр: Художественная литература

Одно из лучших произведений американской писательницы Тони Моррисон (род. в 1931 г.), Нобелевского лауреата 1993 г. Вышедший в США в 1992 г. роман сразу же стал бестселлером. На русском языке он публикуется впервые.

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The Bluest Eye

Автор: Toni Morrison
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Originally published in 1970, The Bluest Eye is Toni Morrison's first novel. In an afterword written more than two decades later, the author expressed her dissatisfaction with the book's language and structure: "It required a sophistication unavailable to me." Perhaps we can chalk up this verdict to modesty, or to the Nobel laureate's impossibly high standards of quality control. In any case, her debut is nothing if not sophisticated, in terms of both narrative ingenuity and rhetorical sweep. It also shows the young author drawing a bead on the subjects that would dominate much of her career: racial hatred, historical memory, and the dazzling or degrading power of language itself.Set in Lorain, Ohio, in 1941, The Bluest Eye is something of an ensemble piece. The point of view is passed like a baton from one character to the next, with Morrison's own voice functioning as a kind of gold standard throughout. The focus, though, is on an 11-year-old black girl named Pecola Breedlove, whose entire family has been given a cosmetic cross to bear:You looked at them and wondered why they were so ugly; you looked closely and could not find the source. Then you realized that it came from conviction, their conviction. It was as though some mysterious all-knowing master had given each one a cloak of ugliness to wear, and they had each accepted it without question… And they took the ugliness in their hands, threw it as a mantle over them, and went about the world with it.There are far uglier things in the world than, well, ugliness, and poor Pecola is subjected to most of them. She's spat upon, ridiculed, and ultimately raped and impregnated by her own father. No wonder she yearns to be the very opposite of what she is-yearns, in other words, to be a white child, possessed of the blondest hair and the bluest eye.This vein of self-hatred is exactly what keeps Morrison's novel from devolving into a cut-and-dried scenario of victimization. She may in fact pin too much of the blame on the beauty myth: "Along with the idea of romantic love, she was introduced to another-physical beauty. Probably the most destructive ideas in the history of human thought. Both originated in envy, thrived in insecurity, and ended in disillusion." Yet the destructive power of these ideas is essentially colorblind, which gives The Bluest Eye the sort of universal reach that Morrison's imitators can only dream of. And that, combined with the novel's modulated pathos and musical, fine-grained language, makes for not merely a sophisticated debut but a permanent one. -James Marcus

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Автор: Toni Morrison
Жанр: Художественная литература

«Возлюбленная», самый знаменитый роман Тони Моррисон, ее первый бестселлер, награжден Пулитцеровской (1988), а затем и Нобелевской премией (1993). В основе книги – реальные события, происходившие в штате Огайо в 80-х годах ХIХ в.: история чернокожей рабыни, которая убивает свою дочь, спасая ее от рабства. В одноименной экранизации, снятой Джонатаном Дэмме и номинированной на Оскара в 1998 году, роль главной героини с неожиданным блеском сыграла суперзвезда американского телевидения Опра Уинфри.

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Песнь Соломона

Автор: Toni Morrison
Жанр: Художественная литература

Роман принадлежит к числу наиболее интересных произведений амери¬канской прозы 70-х гг. и впервые знакомит советского читателя с творчеством талантливой писательницы. Центральный конфликт, воплощенный в судьбе главного героя Мейкона Помера, отражает стремление автора понять исторические судьбы негритян¬ской Америки. Мейкон — герой-искатель, которому важно обрести себя как личность, попить и выразить заложенные в нем духовные стремления.

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Самые синие глаза

Автор: Toni Morrison
Жанр: Художественная литература

Весной 1941-го ноготки не взошли. Мы думали тогда, что они не взошли потому, что Пекола ждала ребенка от своего отца. Если бы мы меньше грустили и больше замечали, то сразу увидели бы, что не только у нас погибли семена, они погибли везде…

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