Автор - Роберт Силверберг

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Автор: Роберт Силверберг
Жанр: Документальная литература

Писатель рассказывает о возникновении легендарной "Новой волны" в англо-американской фантастике, ее расцвете и результатах…

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À la fin de l'hiver

Автор: Роберт Силверберг
Жанр: Иностранная литература

La chute des comètes avait apporté le long hiver, comme, cent millions d’années plus tôt, lorsque les dinosaures avaient disparu. L’Hiver durait depuis soixante-dix mille ans. Le Peuple survivait à l’abri de son cocon souterrain, génération après génération. Et voilà que le Printemps, annoncé par la Tradition, était revenu. Le Peuple devait sortir et aller recueillir son héritage dans la glorieuse cité de Vengiboneeza. Mais était-il encore humain ?

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A Time of Changes

Автор: Роберт Силверберг
Жанр: Иностранная литература

A spellbinding tale of a tradition-bound centuries-old Earth Colony and an Earthman who offers a magic drug that tears down the walls between men’s souls.

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A Tip on a Turtle

Автор: Роберт Силверберг
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Here’s an elegant and darkly ironic look at the proposition that some things in life are better not to know…

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Absolutely Inflexible

Автор: Роберт Силверберг
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Time travel is possible, but only forward in time. Visitors from the past are multiple and dangerous as they carry deadly germs people of the future do not have immunity against anymore. So all the time travelers are promptly apprehended and isolated. The head of the institution responsible for isolation of the time travelers is implacable and absolutely inflexible in carrying out his duties. Until one of the time travelers gives him a device allegedly capable of moving people back in time...

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Across A Billion Years

Автор: Роберт Силверберг
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Set in the year 2375, the novel follows Tom Rice, a young archaeologist attached to a two-year dig on the planet of Highby V. He is searching for artifacts belonging to a long-lost and ancient race known simply as The High Ones. Throughout known space, details of this billion-year old civilization have been uncovered on many planets. What seems like a fairly straightforward expedition becomes a galactic odyssey when an artifact never seen before is uncovered. This device hints that perhaps the High Ones are not extinct at all. But, if they are not, then where are they? And will this lead to the culmination of Mankind’s greatest challenge or greatest disaster?

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Al final del invierno

Автор: Роберт Силверберг
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Tras miles de años, el Largo Invierno producido en la Tierra por el bombardeo de cometas que causaron las estrellas de la muerte llegó a su fin. Los que salieron del capullo para enfrentarse a los peligros del mundo exterior en busca de la Nueva Primavera se llamaban a si mismos humanos... Su destino era la creación de un nuevo mundo.

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Автор: Роберт Силверберг
Жанр: Иностранная литература

From Robert Silverberg’s “Earthmen and Strangers” anthology, 1966: The German word “gestalt” means “shape” or “pattern,” but it also has the sense of “group” or “formation.” The science-fictional concept of the gestalt mind has frequently been examined—the intelligence that includes more than one individual. On Earth, the rule of one-body-one-intelligence seems to hold true, but who knows what we may find on other worlds? We already know of some simple creatures, like the corals and sponges, that exist in colonies numbering many individuals. Such Unkings are purely physical; the possibility exists, though, that on another planet some higher form of life may have developed a colony of linked minds. What it would be like to encounter such a form of life is considered in this story.

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Ali della notte

Автор: Роберт Силверберг
Жанр: Иностранная литература

In una Terra del lontano futuro una spaventosa catastrofe ecologica ha provocato lo sprofondamento delle Americhe e la decadenza della potenza terrestre nello spazio. La società del Terzo Ciclo si è strutturata in corporazioni feudali ed attende l’arrivo degli invasori, gli alieni che hanno salvato l’umanità dall’estinzione e che verranno a reclamare il possesso del pianeta. Quando l’invasione arriva le misere forze della Terra vengono sconfitte, e gli invasori occupano con facilità quello che considerano un loro dominio. L’affascinante vicenda si svolge in tre città, Roum (Roma), Perris (Parigi) e Jorslem (Gerusalemme), seguendo le avventure e gli incontri di Tomis, una Vedetta il cui lavoro, proiettare la mente negli spazi per avvertire dell’arrivo degli invasori, diventerà senza senso dopo l’invasione. La rottura dell’equilibrio della società feudale porterà gli uomini a stabilire nuovi rapporti umani e ad incrementare i loro poteri mentali, sino ad arrivare a dominare gli invasori, che non verranno combattuti con le armi ma con l’amore e la fratellanza, contribuendo a formare una società di impensabile ricchezza. Un romanzo leggibile su più livelli e pieno di idee, un premio Hugo più che meritato.

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Автор: Роберт Силверберг
Жанр: Иностранная литература

El planeta Kalgash está al borde del caos, pero solo unas pocas personas se han dado cuenta de ello. Kalgash conoce únicamente la luz diurna perpetua, pues durante más de dos milenios la combinación de sus seis soles ha iluminado el cielo. Sin embargo, ahora empieza a reinar la oscuridad. Pronto se pondrán todos los soles, y el terrible esplendor del anochecer desencadenará una locura que marcará el final de la civilización. Anochecer , novela basada en un relato escrito por Asimov en 1941, permite al lector experimentar el cataclismo que sobrevendrá sobre Kalgash a través de los ojos de un periodista, un astrónomo, un arqueólogo, un psicólogo y un fanático religioso.

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At Winter's End

Автор: Роберт Силверберг
Жанр: Иностранная литература

After a recurrence of the cataclysm that killed off the dinosaurs and a resulting Long Winter of 700,000 years, the eventual New Springtime sees only two of the far future Earth’s original Six Peoples emerge from their deep cocoons: the resilient, insect-like hjjk-folk and the simian tribes who regard themselves as heirs to humanity. Young Hresh-full-of-questions is a member of one of the latter, a small band that must radically change its ancient rituals and taboos to adapt to their new life. Taking up temporary residence in the shell of a once great city, the group fearfully meets another people, is itself torn in half by rivalry and, through Hresh, achieves a new realization of who they are. This solid, dramatic novel expands on a favorite motif of Silverberg’s: the mixed terrors and pleasures of freedom, of going out into the wider world without guide, map or a sure sense of one’s own capabilities.

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