Автор - James Patterson

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Cat & Mouse

Автор: James Patterson
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Amazon.com ReviewThat monstrous villain Gary Soneji is back in Cat & Mouse, the fourth book in James Patterson's series about Alex Cross, a police forensic psychologist, but he's not alone. In seeming support of the premise that you can never have too much of a bad thing, Patterson has thrown a second serial killer into the mix: Mr. Smith, a mysterious killer terrorizing Europe while Soneji practices his own brand of evil along the Eastern Seaboard. With two killers to track, Cross has his hands full-and Patterson has another hit.From Library JournalFans of Patterson's Alex Cross series will be delighted with this latest installment. Reappearing is Christine Johnson, seen in an earlier Cross novel, Jack Jill (LJ 8/96) and the principal at his children's school, and Cross has fallen in love with her. Gary Soneji, the creepy kidnapper and murderer from another Cross book, has broken out of jail and embarked on a new killing spree, again taunting Cross that he can't stop him. And one of his intended targets is Cross and his family. If that isn't enough, there's a new serial killer whose murders are so inhuman that the news media are suggesting that he's an alien from another planet. All story lines connect in this thriller, whose driving plot will distract you from thinking about its implausibilities and keep you turning pages to the last, when you'll find yourself impatiently awaiting the arrival of the next Cross novel.

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Don’t Blink

Автор: James Patterson
Жанр: Иностранная литература

New York 's Lombardo's Steak House is famous for three reasons-the menu, the clientele, and now, the gruesome murder of an infamous mob lawyer. Effortlessly, the assassin slips through the police's fingers, and his absence sparks a blaze of accusations about who ordered the hit.Seated at a nearby table, reporter Nick Daniels is conducting a once-in-a-lifetime interview with a legendary baseball bad-boy. Shocked and shaken, he doesn't realize that he's accidentally captured a key piece of evidence. Ensnared in the city's most sensational crime in years, Nick investigates for a story of his own. Back off-or die-is the clear message as he closes in on the facts. Heedless, and perhaps in love, Nick endures humiliation, threats, violence, and worse in a thriller that overturns every expectation and finishes with the kind of flourish only James Patterson knows.

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I, Michael Bennett

Автор: James Patterson
Жанр: Иностранная литература

A South American crime lord has brought New York the worst lawlessness and violence the city has ever seen. Police shot in the street. Judges murdered in the courtroom. Mayhem is unleashed-and the mayor demands that Detective Michael Bennett find a way to stop it.Bennett takes his ten kids and their beautiful nanny, Mary Catherine, out of the chaos on a much-needed vacation to upstate New York. But instead of escaping the violence, it follows them and they find themselves in the middle of another nightmare that threatens the entire family. The danger isn't only coming from the crime lord's killers-FBI Agent Emily Parker is back, and Bennett's attraction to her endangers his relationship with Mary Catherine. A no-holds-barred, pedal-to-the-floor, action-packed novel, MICHAEL BENNETT'S GOLD is James Patterson at his most thrilling best.

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Pamiętnik Pisany Miłością

Автор: James Patterson
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Niełatwo jest kobiecie spotkać idealnego mężczyznę. Kate Wilkinson się udało, ale cóż z tego skoro pewnego dnia ukochany Matt odchodzi bez wyjaśnienia, zostawiając jej tylko pamiętnik… Okazuje się, że ten dziennik pisała młoda matka, Suzanne Bedford, z myślą o swoim maleńkim synku. Kobieta we wzruszający sposób opowiada o własnym życiu, o początkach znajomości z ojcem dziecka i radościach związanych z macierzyństwem. Podczas czytania tych chwytających za serce wyznań Katie nagle uświadamia sobie, że utracony przez nią ukochany to mąż i ojciec z pamiętnika. Podczas dalszej lektury, przerażona i pełna nadziei, próbuje zrozumieć, co właściwie zaszło. Zastanawia się również, czy jej miłość na szanse na przetrwanie…

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Podmuchy Wiatru

Автор: James Patterson
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Doktor Frannie O’Neill spotyka w lesie niedaleko szpitala dziewczynkę. Jedenastolatka jest zadziwiająco silna i inteligentna. Ale nie to wprawia Frannie w największe zdumienie… Kilka dni później lekarkę odwiedza agent FBI. Kieruje śledztwem w sprawie szokujących eksperymentów genetycznych prowadzonych w tajnym laboratorium.

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Автор: James Patterson
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Former Marine and CIA agent Jack Morgan inherits his father's renowned security and detective business-along with a case load that tests him to the breaking point. Getting to the bottom of an NFL gambling scandal and an unsolved LAPD investigation into 18 school girl slayings would be enough. On top of all that, Morgan takes on solving the horrific murder of his best friend's wife.As Morgan fights the urge to exact brutal revenge on that killer, he has to navigate a workplace imbroglio that could blow the roof off his elite agency. And it's an especially explosive situation… because the love affair is his own.

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Róże Są Czerwone

Автор: James Patterson
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Seria krwawych napadów na banki w Marylandzie i Wirginii. Tajemniczy, wyjątkowo przebiegły przestępca wynajmuje za każdym razem innych ludzi do rabunku… a potem ich zabija. Śledztwem kieruje Alex Cross. Kolejne tropy prowadzą donikąd. Lecz Cross nie rezygnuje. Nawet kiedy przekonuje się, że inteligentny zbrodniarz prowadzi z nim wyrafinowaną grę. I że za najmniejszy błąd może zapłacić śmiercią.

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Run For Your Life

Автор: James Patterson
Жанр: Иностранная литература

A calculating killer who calls himself The Teacher is taking on New York City, killing the powerful and the arrogant. His message is clear: remember your manners or suffer the consequences! For some, it seems that the rich are finally getting what they deserve. For New York 's elite, it is a call to terror.Only one man can tackle such a high-profile case: Detective Mike Bennett. The pressure is enough for anyone, but Mike also has to care for his 10 children-all of whom have come down with virulent flu at once!Discovering a secret pattern in The Teacher's lessons, Detective Bennett realizes he has just hours to save New York from the greatest disaster in its history. From the #1 bestselling author comes BE AFRAID, the continuation of his newest, electrifying series.

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