Автор - Jack Chalker

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Melchior's Fire

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

For centuries, interstellar prospectors had searched for the fabled worlds of the Three Kings, the lost El Dorado of the galaxy. But none had succeeded. Only the mad cyborg Prophet, Ishmael Hand, had ever seen the mysterious system, and he had refused to reveal its location before vanishing forever into history. Then, with the help of his flock, a starfaring evangelist—Doctor Karl Woodward, preacher and leader of the starship The Mountain—found it, only to disappear in turn. Now a new group of explorers must follow the trail that Woodward blazed. A spacegoing salvage team, desperately in debt after a violent alien menace ruins a lucrative assignment and decimates the group, is hired to follow the clues Woodward left behind. But the team’s shady creditors won’t want to wait...and they won’t much care how they get their investments back. Fearing pursuit by their former backers, the group heads off for the ultimate salvage operation. By hook or by crook, they will find the Three Kings—if the galactic underworld’s repo men don’t get them first!

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Dämmerung auf der Sechseck-Welt

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Die Zeit arbeitet gegen Nathan Brazil und Mavra Chang. Der Riß im Raum-Kontinuum kommt der Sechseck-Welt immer näher.Sie müssen den Schacht der Seelen schnell erreichen — und bevor Kopfgeldjäger die Prämie für einen toten Nathan Brazil einstreichen können.Im besten Fall — eine schwierige Aufgabe; im schlimmsten Fall — das Ende des Universums…

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Die Sechseck-Welt

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Wer war Nathan Brazil — und was machte er in der Sechseck-Welt? Gebaut von den Markoviern, einer ausgestorbenen Rasse, wurden in der Sechseck-Welt Lebewesen aller Art in andere Lebewesen verwandelt. Und auch Raumschiffkapitän Brazil erlebte eine Metamorphose, schrecklicher und verheißungsvoller als alle anderen. Doch ihm gelang es, bis ins Zentrum des bizzaren Planeten vorzudringen – der Quelle all dessen, was je gelebt hat …

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Downtiming the Night Side

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

NSA agent Ron Moosic is assigned to a nuclear power plant - a cover for a secret project sending observers back in time. When terrorists take it over and send two of their own back to change the past, Moosic is sent in pursuit. But they are all pawns in a time game to conquer the Earth.

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Echoes of the Well of Souls

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

The first book in a fabulous new trilogy set in Well World—site of bestselling SF mainstay Jack Chalker's most successful series of novels. For uncounted aeons, the Well World had given order to the universe. Now, an utterly alien entity was loose—and bent on corrupting the Well World.

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Empires of Flux & Anchor

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

This tale, a continuation of the science fantasy series by the author of the “Well World” saga, describes a world slowly recovering from a battle between titanic forces of good and evil.

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Entscheidung in der Sechseck-Welt

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Elf bittere Jahre lang war Mavra Chang eine Gefangene der Sechseck-Welt, wo Hunderte verschiedener und unvorstellbarer Rassen existierten, jede in ihrer eigenen, unvorstellbaren Umwelt. Ihre einst menschlichen Begleiter waren längst in fremde Wesen verwandelt. Und auch Mavras Körper war eine monströse, sinnlose Travestie ihrer einstigen Schönheit! Über ihr kreiste Obie, der Planetoid des Supercomputers, der ihr Körper und Willenskraft zurückgeben konnte. Doch das Raumschiff, das allein ihr die Rückkehr zu Obie ermöglicht, scheint für sie unerreichbar. Dennoch ist Mavra noch nicht bereit, sich dem Schicksal zu ergeben …

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Exil Sechseck-Welt

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Antor Trelings Ziel ist es, alle bewohnten Welten zu beherrschen. Als er Obie, einen Supercomputer, für sich arbeiten lässt, glaubt er sich diesem Ziel nicht mehr fern. Er rechnet freilich nicht damit, auf den Markovier-Planeten der Sechseck-Welt verschlagen zu werden, die aus tausenden hexagonaler Einzelwelten besteht. Dort beginnt der entscheidende Kampf um die Herrschaft des Universums.

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Exiles at the Well of Souls

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Antor Trellig, head of a ruthless interstellar syndicate, had seized a super computer with godlike powers, which could make him omnipotent. The Council offered master criminal Mavra Chang any reward if she stopped Trellig—and horrible, lingering death if she failed. But neither Trellig nor Mavra had taken the Well World into consideration. Built by the ancient Markovians, the Well World controlled the design of the cosmos. When the opponents were drawn across space to the mysterious planet, they found themselves in new alien bodies, and in the middle of a battle where strange races fought desperately, with the control of all the Universe as the prize.

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Ghost of the Well of Souls

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

A small band of travelers seeks to prevent a tyrant from finding the various pieces of a gate that, when fully assembled, will give him enormous power.

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Midnight at the Well of Souls

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Entered by a thousand unsuspected gateways—built by a race lost in the clouds of time—the planet its dwellers called the Well World turned beings of every kind into something else. There spacefarer Nathan Brazil found himself companioned by a batman, an amorous female centaur and a mermaid—all once as human as he. Yet Nathan Brazil’s metamorphosis was more terrifying than any of those… and his memory was coming back, bringing with it the secret of the Well World. For at the heart of the bizarre planet lay the goal of every being that had ever lived—and Nathan Brazil and his comrades were… lucky?… enough to find it!

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