Автор - Jack Chalker

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Priam's Lens

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

The survival of the human race, spread throughout the universe in the future, depends on an unlikely team led by naval officer Gene Harker, who must retrieve the only defense against the godlike Titans.

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Quest for the Well of Souls

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Mavra Chang had been a master criminal, notorious throughout the galaxy, but for years she has been trapped in a no-longer human body on the Well World—the Master Control planet for the universe. A supercomputer can restore her form, if only she can obtain a spaceship to reach it.

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Rückkehr auf die Sechseck-Welt

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Nur Mavra Chang — Mitkämpferin in dem Krieg auf der Sechseck-Welt — und Obie — der Computergefährte — können jenes Wissen finden, das als einziges dazu imstande ist, die Sechseck-Welt zu erreichen und den dort entstandenen Schaden radikal auszumerzen. Doch der teuflische Nathan Brazil — Halbgott und ewiger Jude zugleich — wwill nicht gefunden werden… Und so ist der Bestand des ganzen, von der Sechseck-Wet erzeugten und erhaltenen Universums in Gefahr!

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Shadow of the Well of Souls

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Racing to the Well World, bitter rivals Nathan Brazil and Mavra Chang find an impossibly changed land and a price on their heads, and fear that Brazil himself has been altered in an attempt to divert history.

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Songs of the Dancing Gods

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

The evil Dark Baron has escaped and joined forces in the far North with the Master of the Dead to theaten all of Husaquahr with enslavement. Only Joe can stop them—but Joe is no longer quite himself. In fact, he’s not sure who he is!

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The Messiah Choice

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

An ex-detective gets mixed up in a plot to use a revolutionary supercomputer system to provide power for a magic ritual. Of course, such a thing is going to require a virgin, and in this case, the girl is a quadraplegic. However, a computer system of this power can do a lot of things—change people being one of them.

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The Return of Nathan Brazil

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

The Dreel was a hive-mind, composed of trillions upon trillions of virus-sized units, which infected intelligent beings like a disease and took over the mind of an occupied being, utterly. It had occupied planets throughout the galaxy, making their entire population its mind-slaves, and was on its way to conquering the entire galaxy-until a cop on the frontier planet of Parkatin discovered the truth. Those whose minds were still free fought back, using a weapon so powerful that it wrought havoc with the control of the Well World, the ancient planet-sized supercomputer that a vanished super-race called the Markovians built to recreate the entire universe, and maintain it in its present form. If the Well World’s control of time and space could not be restored, the universe could vanish like a blown-out candle flame. Only a Markovian could go to the Well World and repair the damage, but only one Markovian was still known to survive. He had last been seen in human form, going by the name of Nathan Brazil. No one knew where he was now, what name he was using, or even if he still appeared human. Finding him, somewhere in the immensity of the galaxy, seemed an impossible task. So the task fell to someone who had done the impossible over and over: Mavra Chang, one of the few beings ever to escape from the Well World. And on that occasion, she had brought back with her a computer named Obie, who just might be the second most powerful computer in the universe, after the Well World itself. With those two on his trail, Nathan Brazil could run-but could he hide?

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The Sea is Full of Stars

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

Three star travelers—Ming, Ari, and Angel—become enmeshed in a vicious blood-feud between an evil genius and Jeremiah Wong Kincaid, the man who has vowed to destroy him.

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Twilight at the Well of Souls

Автор: Jack Chalker
Жанр: Иностранная литература

The rift in the fabric of space was fast approaching the Well World, and time was running out. Troops all over the planet were gathering for the final battle. Nathan Brazil and Mavra Chang somehow had to reach the Well of Souls in time to save the universe and before any of the hostile natives managed to kill them. At best, a difficult mission. At worst, impossible—especially since there was a price on Brazil’s head and many would-be claimants! For Brazil, the difficult was but the work of a moment—the impossible would take a little longer!

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